I would only go with www.checkmatewebsitesolutions.com
You get all of the following for $699.99 and payment option.
They serve USA, Canada, Austrailia.
Free support anytime, unlimited pages, flash, e-commerce etc.
Here it is;
500 Megabytes of Storage Space - Sample
All of our Web sites come standard with a massive 500MB of disk space-more than enough space to hold thousands of images and volumes of text. Most Web sites only use 20 - 30MB of space, so chances are you'll never need to use even half of the storage space you have, but as your business grows and becomes more successful, you can be confident that your Web site will be able to adapt to meet your changing needs.
Professional Layout and Design
Our Web designers and marketing experts have spent countless hours researching successful sites on the Internet in order to develop the most effective, professional Web site layouts and designs possible. You can choose from hundreds of different layouts and color schemes, and our system will automatically add special pages, text and buttons to meet the specific needs of businesses in your industry. If you ever want to change the look or feel of your site, you can choose a new layout in just a few easy steps.
WYSIWYG Web site Editing Tools - Sample
The WYSIWYG Editor is a powerful interface tool that allows you to modify every aspect of your Web site on screen in a view that closely resembles what the published page will look like on the site. The WYSIWYG Editor uses a simple point-and-click system: click on any section of the Web page to access menus for inserting, deleting, or editing text, images, columns, tables, or any other component on your site.
Live Technical Support
If you ever have any questions about using the tools or features in your new Web site, our professional, courteous Customer Care representatives will be ready and waiting to assist you! Call us, e-mail us, or use the live Internet chat tool as often as you want-it's all part of the value-added service included with your monthly hosting/service fee.
Advanced ChatLink Technology
This amazing feature is an enhanced version of the Internet chat tool that gives our Customer Care representatives the ability to remotely share your mouse and keyboard for quick and easy service. Once you enable the ChatLink feature, it will create a direct link between your computer and a Customer Care representative's computer in our support center, allowing them to show you how to perform each step in the process in real time on your computer screen! Whenever you would like to resume control of your computer, simply pause the session or override the Customer Care rep by moving your mouse.
E-Commerce Tools - Sample
Your new Web site provides you with access to all of the components necessary to help you start making money online: a merchant account, a fully customizable product catalog, a virtual shopping cart, advanced pricing features, shipping, handling and tax rules, payment options, inventory tracking, and order processing features.
Customizable Product Catalog - Sample
Every site includes tools that give you the ability to create an extensive online catalog capable of displaying thousands of items, with fully customizable pages that can be modified to reflect the look and feel you want your business to project. More than just a listing of products, your online catalog offers a wide range of extra features: functional image support, product categories and divisions, product descriptions, discount coding, custom shipping methods, handling charges with basic and premium options, tax methods and more.
Thumbnail Creator - Sample
When you start uploading product images to your online catalog, all of your images will be automatically reduced to thumbnail-sized pictures ideal for displaying your merchandise. Regardless of the original size, all of the thumbnail images on your site will have the same width, while maintaining the original aspect ratio, resulting in a professional, well-designed look for your product catalog pages.
Multiple Billing Options - Sample
Our versatile e-commerce system is designed to give you a variety of options for processing online orders. You can process credit cards online in real time, have orders sent to you by e-mail, or receive batched order reports by fax on a daily basis. Regardless of which payment and billing options you enable on your Web site, you can be confident that all of your transactions are safe and secure on our SSL-encrypted network.
Domain Name Registration - Sample
Securing your domain name is one of the most important steps in setting up your online business, and with our domain name tool, the registration process is quick and easy. Our system allows you to check on the availability of up to five .com, .org, .net, .biz, or .info domain names at the same time, and if you already have a domain name, you can use the domain tool to transfer the existing domain name to your new site in just a few steps.
E-mail Aliases - Sample
The e-mail alias feature allows you to use your domain name to create up to 20 virtual e-mail addresses, such as sales@mycompany.com or support@mycompany.com, that route incoming mail to an existing e-mail account. This feature provides you with a great way to present your customers and business associates with a professional, corporate image, and it turns all of your e-mail correspondence into a subtle way to market your new Web site.
Site Promotion Tool - Sample
No matter how impressive your Web site is, it's not doing you any good if customers can't find you online. With the Site Promotion Tool, we'll help you increase your visibility on the World Wide Web by guiding you through the entire optimization and submission process-from setting meta-tags, choosing keywords and descriptions, to automatically submitting your site to several of the major search engines. We also provide you with tips on optimizing your site to improve your chances of ranking well with search engines, and we include links and instructions for submitting your site to other important search engines that require Web sites to be submitted manually.
Site Translation Tool - Sample
With this amazing tool, you can use the same software employed by US intelligence agencies, the Department of Defense, NASA, and multinational corporations like Ford, Xerox, and AOL to instantly translate your Web site into 12 different languages: Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Greek, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional), and Russian. Visitors will be able to click on a flag representing the language they would like to view, and your Web site will instantly be translated into that language! The Site Translation tool gives your Web site the power to communicate with the billions of people throughout the world that speak a language other than English and conduct business on a global scale.
Chat Room Application - Sample
The Java-based chat room component on your Web site allows you to set up live, online chat sessions between you and your customers. This is a great way to open up a new, direct line of communication with your customers and prospects to establish a more personal relationship, or to talk about new products and special services. You'll be able to maintain control over all the features in the chat room component from the administrative area of your Web site, including advanced features such as user-created chat rooms, permanent chat rooms and password protected chat rooms.
Contact Management Tool - Sample
This useful feature allows you to organize and manage contact information for all of your customers, suppliers, and business associates. Once you have built up your contact database, you will be able to create mailing lists and notification systems for sending out bulk e-mail messages announcing new product releases, upcoming sales, or any other special events and promotions.
Integrated Map and Driving Directions
Whenever a new local customer finds your business online, one of the first things they'll want to know is "Where are you located?" Now your customers will be able to use the integrated map feature on your Web site to view a map displaying your exact location, or if they're unfamiliar with the area, your customers can enter their address and receive detailed instructions that will guide them right to your business.
Flash Editing Tools - Sample
This amazing tool gives you the power to add dynamic Flash pages and components anywhere on your Web site! You can choose from 20 different custom-designed Flash presentations with text, images, and even music that you can modify to suit the unique needs of your business.
Image Libraries - Sample
Our extensive image libraries provide you with access to thousands of high-quality images, backgrounds, graphics, and buttons optimized for use on your Web site. Each image is stored in industry-specific categories so you'll be able to find exactly what you're looking for quickly and easily.
Image Editing and Graphic Design Tools - Sample
In the administrative section of your Web site, you'll have access to thousands of dollars worth of image editing and graphic design tools to enhance the look of your site. You'll be able to create your own logos, buttons, and Web site banners, and our advanced image editing tools give you the ability to crop and resize existing images, and further optimize images on your site by adding borders, frames, and text quickly and easily.
Automatic Softwar