I am unsure of the level ur learning at so please bear with me if i say things that u already know:
1. Don't use tables for layout (use css)
2. Use external css an break this down into 2 sheets layout an style
- Layout will contain everything that formats the page i.e. height, width, margins, paddings
- Style will contain everything related to the theme of the page i.e.images, colours, fonts
By separating these u will make it easier to debug an reformat later on not to mention applying it to multiple pages is a snap.
3. web 2.0 is all about curves, curves are good on a woman, they used those to design coca cola bottle shapes, an likewise they do well on webpages.
4. For interactivity an animation i recommend looking at JQuery (javascript framework) this tiny frame can render some impressive fx an is easy to implement, also it has a library of plugins free for use.
5. Surf the web for a while an see what u can turn up, many portfolio an tutorial sites have fx that are catchy.
6. Dont neglect ur images, while that layout of ur page is important so to is the content u put on there, use colours that compliment each other (a bad example would be fluro pink an orange yuck!!!)
7. finally using sounds is tempting even more so as this is the beatles but i urge u not to be to reckless