First thing, spaces are delimiters in MSDOS so no spaces are allowed in a directory name unless the name is enclosed in quotation marks like this:
cd "\documents and settings\file\file"
Without the " marks, it would go to \documents if there is one.
I am guessing you want to run the NOTEPAD program to edit a file called DOCUMENT.TXT. Your line of "notepad.txt" makes no sense as you write it. OK, so here is what I suggest:
@echo off
cd "\documents and settings\file\file"
c:\windows\notepad.exe document.txt
What this will do is first change the default drive to C: if it isn't already, and then change the default subdirectory and then launch the notepad program to open the file "document.txt". When you close notepad, the batch file ends. Make sure you set the properties on the shortcut you use to execute this file so it closes the command window when notepad.exe ends.
For a network drive, simply change the initial "C:" to the drive letter of the network drive, and change the CD path accordingly to the network location of the DOCUMENT.TXT file. Then, make sure the path is set correctly to call notepad.exe from where ever it is located, or use the full drive and directory to get to the editor. On my laptop, the location of the program is
The only way that "notepad" by itself will launch the program is if it is "in the path" set by default in a command window. To see what the default path IS, simply open a command window and type PATH and press return. It will show you where windoze looks to find a program without the full drive and directory in front of the program name. You can place this batch file anywhere that people all have access to on the network. Then, you create a shortcut to point to the batch file on each local machine that needs to run it. It is NOT a good idea to have multiple people editing a single common file without some kind of version control. Without some kind of version control, if two people are editing the same file, whoever saves last overwrites any other changes made by anyone else.