Goto for many free online and downloadable eDocs on python. python is a script that acts like a language. That is, you script and the resulting program will compile into C byte code. python is very fast and independent of the OS, but you need the python libraries to make it go.
At is IDLE -- a coding window to help you along on learning to code. python's weakness is with the widgets -- buttons, label boxes and so forth. I mean python has widgets, but the cryptic style of coding python makes widgets a little ackward.
Many Linux applications are written in python, and I find Linux has more resources for python. But, first just learn python, no matter what platform you have now.
If you get hung up while learning, prowl and search through the python forums. Many questions have been asked and answered like four or five years ago.
your question about Object-oriented deserves special comment. OOP is a concept of making a unit out of a group of variables. In a practical sense that means: if we didn't have Objects the coder would have to create 99,999 different variables, assign values to those variables and track those 99,999 variables to accomplish a typical program.
OOP is a whole lot more than that, but by grouping state, methods and values under one Object we can gain reusability, clarity and editability. Visualize a box with a digital stopwatch inside it counting away. Every place I click the mouse on the screen would generate a new digital stopwatch. One code definition would create all those stopwatch Objects using OOP.