You need to install the Microsoft C++ runtime libraries on the target computer, statically link your code, or distribute the dependencies yourself (you can use the program `depends.exe' to find which).
While statically linking your code to system libraries is a solution, you shouldn't, because it's possible major security and stability issues might result.
Really, your best choice is to use an installer to deploy the app and it's dependencies properly.
If I remember correctly, the `D' suffix on the DLL name indicates that your program links to the `debug' version of this library (i.e., it's a library distribution with extra metadata for developers).
I have solely run Linux for the past several years (and I used Emacs even when I was running Windows), but I _think_ that there is a menu somewhere which toggles between `release' and `debug' modes.
This documentation probably explains how to deploy your C++ program.