What others have NOT told you might be the solution to your problem.
It is true that a Primary Key field can contain only unique values. However, a Primary Key can be composed of more than one field. In that case, one of the participating fields CAN contain duplicate values, and the Primary Key itself will still be unique.
For example, in a database for filling customer orders, you might have a CUSTOMER table where the Primary Key consists of only one field (cust_id), an ORDER table whose Primary Key is composed of two fields (cust_id, order_no), and an ITEM table whose Primary Key is composed of three fields (cust_id, order_id, item_id).
In the ORDER table, cust_id is called a foreign key. It can have the same value as a record in the CUSTOMER table while values in the order_no field MUST be unique.
In the ITEM table, cust_id and order_no are foreign keys and both can have the same values as a record in the ORDER table but values in the item_id field MUST be unique.
The tables would, of course, have these One-To-Many relationships:
(one-side on the left, many-side on the right)