Copy and paste the following into Notepad:
@Echo Off
Set _Filename=C:\DTest\emailNames.txt
Set _Newname=C:\DTest\Justname.txt
If Exist "%_Newname%" Del "%_Newname%"
For /F "Tokens=2,3 Delims=," %%I In ('Type "%_Filename%"') Do Echo.%%I,%%J>>"%_Newname%"
Edit the Filename line to the path where your file are located, and the Newname line to where you want the new file to be.
If you want them on your desktop,m use %Username%\Desktop\emailNames.txt.
Save the file someplace handy with a .cmd extension. In the NOtepad Save dialog, be sure to change the Save As Type box to All FIles.
Double click the file to create the new file