The Chromium Browser On Ubuntu 8.04 With CrossOver Chromium
Chromium is an open-source browser project that is the basis for Google's Chrome browser. Right now, Chromium doesn't support Linux natively, but Codeweavers has created a Linux port called CrossOver Chromium that can be installed free of charge. This guide shows how to install CrossOver Chromium on Ubuntu 8.04.
Open Firefox and go to Select the Chromium package for Ubuntu and Debian.
In the Firefox download dialogue, select Open with GDebi Package Installer (default).
After the Package Installer has started, click on the Install Package button.
Type in your password.
CrossOver Chromium is now being installed.
Afterwards, click on Close and leave the Package Installer.
You can now start Chromium by going to Applications > Crossover Chromium > Chromium.
Important Links
CrossOver Chromium: