There are several ways we could do this in Python:
for x in range(1, 35):
print(x * 5)
The first line here says "for x in range(1, 35)". What does that mean? We'll start at the end.
range(1, 35) means "Hey Python, give me a list of numbers from 1 up to but *not* including 35." See, let's try running the range function all alone:
>>> print(range(1, 10))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> print(range(10))
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Notice that when I executed range(10), without a comma and two numbers inside, it automatically started at 0. The first parameter, when I provide two, represents where my list should start, and the second number represents where my list should end, stopping just before that second number (so the second number is not included).
For your program, I chose range(1, 35) because 5 * 35 = 175. Because 35 won't actually be in your list, I can get all multiples of 5 less than 175 by multiplying 5 and each number in the list and printing the result.
So, what about the "for x in" part? When I say "for x in range(1, 35)", I'm saying, "Hey Python, I want to do something to every member of this list (created by the range function). Let's go through each member of the list and refer to it as 'x' while we're looking at it."
To see this more effectively, let's run our own little for loop on a smaller list:
>>> for number in range(5):
... print(number)
See what it did there? The nice thing about this kind of for loop syntax is that it allows us to give Python a name by which we'll refer to each member of the list when it's their turn. So far, I've used "x" and "number", but I could use "bob", "jim", or "billy" if I really wanted.
So, all in all, the program I wrote up top goes through a list of numbers from 1 to 34 and multiplies each by 5.
Here's another method also using the range() function:
for multiple in range(5, 175, 5):
This time, I invoke a third parameter in the range() function which tells Python to use a "step of 5" meaning count in fives. So, range(5, 175, 5) means "Start at 5, and keep counting by fives as long as you are less than 175."
Here's a one-liner (not using a straight-up for loop). One-liners aren't necessarily better programming, but they are fun and they do tend to show the power of a programming language's syntax and functions:
print('\n'.join(map(str, range(5, 175, 5))))
Hope this was helpful. Good luck!