2008-03-27 02:26:59 UTC
(1) Blogs with columns:
"BlogID" (primary key, AutoNumber), "DateNTime", "BlogEntry"
(2) Comments with columns:
"BlogID" (foreign key, Number), "CommentID" (AutoNumber), "CommenEntryt"
I have set a relationship between these two tables where Blogs is the parent table while Comments is the child table. By the way, am I right to call "BlogID" in Comments table "foreign key"?
This should work rather simple. Every time I enter a new BlogEntry, a BlogID will be generated automatically. When someone enter a BlogComment corresponds to a BlogID, CommentID will be generated automatically. So now, I would like to add a new column under BlogID to count how many BlogComment s are there under each BlogID. How can I do that?
I heard that I can do it by creating a query but I don't know how to do so. Can someone please teach me?
Thanks a lot...