2011-12-07 16:29:08 UTC
Every other entry in the file is the student's ID, followed by a blank, followed by the student's response. Fore example, the entry:
indicates that the student's ID is ABC54301 and the answer to question 1 is True, the answer to question 2 is False, and so on. This student did not answer question 9. The exam has 20 questions, and the class has more than 150 students. Each correct answer is awarded two points, each wrong answer gets -1 point, and no answer gets 0 points.
Write a JAVA program that processes the test data. The output should be the Student's ID, followed by the answers, followed by the test score, followed by the test grade. Assume the following grade scale: 90% - 100% A; 80%-89.99% B; 70%-79.99% C; 60%-69.99% D; and 0%-59.99% F.
a) Compute and display the entire class average;
b) Display the names of those students who passed the class (names, grades) – Add a heading such as “Students Who Passed the Class); and
c) Display the names of those students who failed (D’s & F’s) the class (names, grades) – Add a heading such as “Students Who Failed the Class).