There are no standard interview queries that I'm aware of (and, having been a consultant for over 20 years, I'm pretty sure I'd know if there were.) My best advice is to actually learn SQL...most technical interviewers (the competent ones, anyway) should be able to tell pretty quick if someone's trying to BS their way thru.
Basic knowledge: SELECT structure including GROUP BY/HAVING and ORDER BY; INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries; difference between UNION/UNION ALL and inner/right_outer/left_outer/full_outer joins; various column types including conversions, CASTs and literals; date/time and other built-in functions; aliases; dealing with nulls
Moderate knowledge: views; correlated/noncorrelated subqueries; user functions, stored procedures; triggers; embedded SQL, scripting and cursors; constraints; query analysis and optimization; table/database/index/etc. create/drop; data dictionary interrogation; CASE and similar structures
Advanced knowledge: transaction commits and rollbacks; database backups and recoveries; user security and permissions; data/schema import/export (including XML); reporting (Crystal Reports, etc.) and interaction with applications (ODBC, server calls, etc.); dynamic SQL