I have found that most users forget to create a database to get started. If this is the case create one, if not I apologize.
This process depends on the application that the data was created in: Access, another database, an email program if you're exporting your address book, etc. Look under the File or Tools menu for an Export option. If you can export to a spreadsheet, do so; otherwise, exporting to a CSV or TXT file is fine.
If you don't have a database, you need to create one. Choose File > New > Database. Choose to create a new database and click Next.
This is the simplest part. Open your spreadsheet, and paste it into your new database. This part is for the user of open office because as you stated you are receiving the source file.
You heard me -- that's all there is to it. Well, there's a little more, but it's very easy. When you paste, you'll create a new table with the pasted data.
Note that you can append to an existing table or create a new table
Once you've got the data in, you can edit it normally.