2012-09-21 14:02:50 UTC
I'm a senior in high school, so, I really need to start making decisions about college quickly.
I thought I had decided I wanted to go for Zoology, but, now, I'm having a second idea, that I've been contemplating for awhile: Graphic Design.
I've toured 2 colleges before for Vet Tech and Zoology. They asked what else I might be interested in, which I mentioned Graphic Design, so they gave me a *very quick* tour of the Graphic Design course.
One thing I noticed is that there were quite a few actual art classes, like 2D art and stuff, but it was actual drawing...
That kinda concerned me... I'm terrible at drawing, but yet I'm decent at designing graphics on the computer. So, do all Graphic Design courses really require actual hand-drawing classes, or was it just that one?
To me, it kinda seems like hand-drawing is kinda old now, with technology constantly evolving... But, that might just be me, since I haven't actually worked the field yet.
My brother is a graphic designer for a small company, but he never took any college courses on it. He was just taught by the owner. He really likes it, since it's always a different job every day.
Another question: Does anybody know any info about the graphic design industry outlook?
I was looking into Web Design, but the college counselor straight up told me "The problem with web design is that everybody has the idea 'Oh, it's 2012, technology is constantly evolving, so web design would be a successful and long-lasting career for the future.', but that problem with that is that EVERYONE is thinking that, so everyone is doing it, so the field is becoming over-saturated already....". So, I'm guessing the same could be said for graphic design?
Also, how do you really get established in the graphic design industry?
Thanks for answering my questions.
If you have any other suggestions/ideas/opinions on graphic design, please tell me.
I'm really looking for some opinions from firsthand experience from people.