Hi I think I may have answered a previous question of yours. Not sure if I can keep it that simple though!
For what it's worth here are a few trouble shooting points to watch for.
First, and it may be obvious to you, but just in case the cgi-bin directory is normally at the same route level as your htdocs directory, and it is not a directory you can create yourself. if you don't see the cgi-bin directory you need contact you ISP.
Next is your form correct. Below is the simpliest of HTML forms which I know will work with FormMail. Ensure the action points to the location of the FormMail script on your website, and that the recipient value is your email address.
Check Perl Form script is working
Are the permissions correct. If you get an error 500 message from the server when you click the send button check the permissions of the formmail.pl are set correctly -they should be:
Owner = Read, Write, Execute (WRX);
Group = Read, Blank, Execute (W-X);
Other = Read, Blank, Execute (W-X).
If the permissions are correct the the Perl script should provide you with some error message such as the one below.
Error: Bad/No Recipient
There was no recipient or an invalid recipient specified in the data sent to FormMail. Please make sure you have filled in the recipient form field with an e-mail address that has been configured in @recipients. More information on filling in recipient form fields and variables can be found in the README file.
FormMail V1.92 © 1995 - 2002 Matt Wright
A Free Product of Matt's Script Archive, Inc.
Now for the perl script! The two key area to look at are:
@referers = ('yourdomain.co.uk');
@recipients = (&fill_recipients ('yourdomain .co.uk'), '^youremail@ yourprovider\.com');
Note the ^ and \ in the email adress are very important.
Also I have had to include word spaces or para returns in the above to prevent the Yahoo server thinking I'm trying to hack into it - just remove them.
Hope the above may be of help
Last resort try this site: http://www.formmail.com/
Best of luck.