C is still there, and MS is supposedly even upgrading their C support to C99 in VS2014 (finally!)
To make a C project in Visual Studio, simply make a standard C++ project, but in the Application Setting dialog, check Empty Project and then add a "C++ source file (.cpp)" but give the file a .c suffix.
Everything but the .c suffix is what you need to do to get a standard C++ source, without MS-specific things like stdafx.h and tmain().
MS has been pushing toward doing everything in .NET (which still doesn't have all of what WinAPI supports, even 12 years later) so both C and C++ are not ideal for Windows development. There is a .NET version of C++, but with C# around, why bother with a dialect of C++ that is neither portable nor compiled to machine code?
C is still quite relevant to Unix and GNU-based system like Linux and FreeBSD. Every such system is guaranteed to have a C compiler installed and C is still the "main" language for packages distributed in source form. It's a fine alternative to assembly and not bad for projects up O(100,000) lines of code.
Until MS comes through with a modern version of the language, though, MinGW is a better compiler for C under Windows. The Code::Blocks IDE makes it easy to use, too.