Hi, i m kinda new to C++, but i m running into a problem for doing I/O data input and output. Supposely, using the if/of stream allows you to input data from a word/text document with number or word, then it will output w/e ur equation it is inside the execution file. However, when i done it in school with a Mac, it works fine. when i do it in all my window computer, the input is not what i wrote in the txt file. Instead, it took the number from" I donno where" and then plug me the output. It took the numbers like 4.342e24, 3.23e34, etc.... can anyone help? i just cant input the things correctly. at least in school, if i put the program.exe in one foulder with the txt, it took it and ran. In my home, no matter how I wrote the program, it takes the same things i mentioned above. (a source that i donno where it came from) some helps plz...