The shell only automatically looks for executables in certain directories (specified in the PATH environment-variable). If the executable is somewhere else, you must specify the absolute or relative path to the program:
Short hand for home-directory:
Short hand for another user's (brian's) home-directory (if permission on his home-dir allows you access):
In addition, the executable-bit for the program/script must be set:
Gives owner permission to run it:
chmod u+x
Gives everybody permission to run it:
chmod a+x
ls -l shows the permissions. rwxr-xr-x means the owner can read, write and execute the program, while the group and owner can only read and execute. If there are no x (or s), the it can't be run.
To see your current PATH:
echo "$PATH"
To add something to your PATH (in this case, a bin-directory under your home-dir):
export PATH="$PATH:~/bin"
To add the current directory (.) to your PATH is * dangerous*. If you add it, *always* place current-dir *last*, and watch out for typos. *Never* do this for the root-user!:
export PATH="$PATH:."
To make it permanent, add this to your .bashrc, .profile, .bash_login or similar files.