that doesn't stop screen capture and file/save as
here is more
◙ It is absolutely impossible to keep anyone from taking everything on your pages. They can even take the pages themselves. Some people can even do all this without even going to your web site or blog. They use a tool to fetch these things for them.
◙ Some inexperienced people use JavaScript to disable the right mouse button. While others use a JavaScript to keep you from seeing the page's HTML source code. These scripts can easily be disabled using a script disabling favelet or bookmarklet. But there's no reason to disable the scripts since there so many other ways to steal your pages and their contents.
◙ I can think of atleast a dozen ways to take your stuff. Experts can think of many more ways. Your only possible chance to protect your stuff is to copyright it. Even if there is no copyright on the page it is still copyrighted.
◙ Here are ways people try to protect their stuff that DO NOT WORK!
1. Some use a JavaScript to disable the right mouse button.
2. Some use a JavaScript to keep you from clicking on VIEW > SOURCE
3. Some use an HTML Obfuscator to encrypt their source code. There are lots of programs you can download that do this and you are wasting your time using them.
4. A lot of people put a watermark on their images or put text or their URL on the image surface. These can be easily removed using Photoshop.
5. Some use audio or video streaming in an attemt to stop you from stealing their media. There are several programs that will steal them.
6 Internet Explorer has a utility built into it that places a menu on the screen when you pass your cursor over an image. This can be disabled using galleyimg="off" in the image tag or using a meta tag.
7. Some when writing their HTML source code scroll way down in Windows Notepad before they start the fist line of their code. This way when you try to look at their code you can't see it. They think newbies aren't smart enough to know they have to scroll down to see it so they will simply give up.
8. Some people put their pages in a popup window and then disable the right mouse button.
9. And the list goes on and on.
◙ here are a few of the many ways to take your pages.
1. Press ALT+V+C to open your HTML source code in Windows Notepad. Now save it on your hard drive.
2. Move the cursor over a blank part of the page. Then click the right mouse button and click on SOURCE. Now save it on your hard drive.
3. Click on VIEW above and then click on SOURCE to open the HTML source code in Windows Notepad. Now save it on your hard drive.
4. Click on FILE/SAVE AS above to download it.
5. Use a tool like the following program to steal it without going to your site.
6. Use a favelet or bookmarlet to disable all the scripts in a page so you can steal the page easier.
7. Use a favelet or bookmarklet open the HTML source code in Windows Notepad.
8. Some people put their pages in a popup window and then disable the right mouse button. All you need to do is move your cursor over a blank part of the page and click the left mouse button to give the page focus. Then press the F11 key to put that popup in the fullscreen mode. But being it is a popup it won't open in fullscreen mode. What it does is makes the address bar and all the toolbars appear so you can steal everything. In Internet Explorer 7 you won't be able to hide the address bar and tool bars even in poup windows anymore.
9. And the list goes on and on.
◙ Here are a few of the many ways to take your images. Several of these methods can also be used to steal embedded objects like audio and video etc. NOTHING IS SAFE ON THE INTERNET!
1. Click on FILE/SAVE AS will not only download the page but also every image on that page at the same time.
2. Move your cursor over an image and click the right mouse button. Then click on SAVE IMAGE AS.
3. Move your cursor over an image and click the right mouse button. Then click on COPY. Now go to your HTML Editor, Photoshop, Email, Message Board, and a host of others and paste the image.
4. Use a favelet or bookmarlet to take all the images out of your page and display them in another page for easy viewing and stealing.
5. Some people write small perl programs. They run on the command line to grab multimedia off of web sites.
6. Click the PRINTSCRN key to the right of the F12 key on the keyboard. This captures the contents of the screen into your computer's memory (clipboard). The they paste this into a graphic editing program like Photoshop "AS A NEW IMAGE". They then crop your images out of the total image and save them.
7. And the list goes on and on.
◙ People using Web Tv cannot make their own images. They have no hard drive like the rest of us. Therefore they can only hot link to your images for display on their own homepage. If you catch one of them doing this simply rename the image in your directory and in the source code of your homepage and that will keep your image from showing up on their pages. Another trick is to replace the image with another using the same filename. This way you could force a nude photo to show up on their page. :)
◙ DISCLAIMER: I am not trying to teach you how to steal. I simply want you to know that there is nothing you can do to protect your pages and their contents. Your only possible hope is to copyright them or to keep them off of the Internet.
◙ This demo assumes you are using any version of Microsoft Windows and any version of Internet Explorer.
Now do you still think you can protect them. :)