It is interesting that you chose Steve Jobs as being 100 as far as being proficient in coding when that is probably the furthest thing from the truth. Jobs was little more than a salesman for the fruit company. I would probably rated him a 25-30. It is the "galley slaves", the geeks who are chained to their desks for 8 hours or more per day in their cubicles that do all the coding.
So, you asked a very broad question about coding and programs in general almost as if you were saying "explain computers to me".
The short answer to your question is thus:
The files that you talk about (the random symbol stuff) are binary executable files which basically are memory images which get loaded from the hard drive to memory and then executed (run). In order to get an executable, one can use a compiler or assembler such as C++, Java, and Visual Basic among the many available languages. These are higher level languages that we humans can understand and they, in the end, produce the binary executables mentioned above. There are, of course, zillions of different types of files that are used by different programs. For instance, there are.avi and .wmv files which are audio/video files used by programs that display video and sound for our amusement.
As the scope of your question would fill volumes, it is perhaps better to not reinvent the wheel and refer you to:
and remember, Google is your friend!