2014-04-10 13:46:28 UTC
As most of the peoples say Java is easier to learn than C++, but after learning GUI programming with VC++ I moved to java. A long time has passed but I still couldn't be as comfortable in java as I am in C++ and C. When any project (game based or something) is given in college, I am always confident and complete it often before time, but same projects, when given to be done through JAVA, always forces me to think twice, Even if they are simple ones.
Overall, I found GUI programming through Java to be more troublesome than that of VC++.
Specially the worse part I found is the split coding. :( keeping multiple files in a directory and then compiling them, running applets through html files etc, and errors!!! ahhh. . .
So, I wanna know if it is going to cause any trouble if I skip java and keep using C++ and C.
as I said java GUI programming is quite troublesome and same through C++ is easier, so I wanna know whether it is necessary to use java for GUI programming when I already do it through C++.
( i am always targeted to windows OS though, don't care of cross platform applications ). :)