Your "secondly" is correct. Since the array is an array of integers, you would not be able to change the value of the array to "**" because that is not an integer.
What you can do is change the value in the array to a predetermined value (such as zero - which is an integer). Then when it comes time to display the results to the user, you tell the program that if the value in the array is zero, it displays "**" on the screen.
How would you change the value in the array based on the input? You would need to use a loop, such as a for or while loop.
for (int count=0; count=4; count++) // 5 being the number of items in your array - but numbers from 0 to 4 not 1 to 5
if a[count] == guess { //Look through each element of the array and see if it is the same as the number guess
a[count] = 0; // if it is, set the array element to zero
(Been a while since I have done C. This is Java (which is 95% the same as C), so might need to be adjusted slightly for C syntax.)
If you have a huge array, you could use a "while" loop with the condition that while count is not equal to a[count], it continues to loop. As soon as it finds a place where they are the same and changes the value, it exits the while loop. That way if you have 30,000 numbers in the array, and the one you need to change is element 10, you do not process 29,990 pointless loops like with a for loop.