If you are on a budget, why buy something you can get for free. I know you stated "I seemed to have gotten over my head with the programming aspect". I believe you are following not very correct instructions. The hardest part is writing the OS image to the SD, but there are a couple of programs that will take care of that.
Do you have an OS loaded on an SD card for the RPi?
I would suggest to load RaspBian, the install Gcomprise.
Here is the zip file from Raspberrypi.org
But don't expect it to run fast - RPis are not screamers (it will actually have a bad lag). If you are using a Windows machine you will need a program to copy Raspbian to the SD card in the proper way. Win32diskimager.
Once copied, you should be able to boot from it on your RPi.
If using Linux, you can use a program called Imagewriter. It should be in your repositories. You can use a command called dd, but imagewriter would probably be easier.
Once booted up, you should be able to type sudo apt-get install gcompris
It appears to be in the Raspbian repos:
IF you are not happy with the performance of the RPi as a multitasker, I suggest to turn it into a HTPC with OPENelec. I am VERY happy with mine (with the Navi-X plugin).
Tell those clients that I would be MORE then happy to purchase their RPis from them, they are the best and cheapest HTPCs (with XBMC) - at a reduced cost of course, lol. Costing me only $3 a year to run 24/7.
Many people are assuming that it will work good as a multitasker. It does work great at a dedicated task.