I want to be a software engineer, what programming languages should I know?
2012-01-18 22:55:17 UTC
I am in 11th grade, and I was wondering what programming languages I should know pretty well before I enter university (for a BSEng), and how well I should know them. I know html and I know basic C++. What are some good tutorial websites?

Thanks :)
Ten answers:
2012-01-18 23:03:52 UTC
Honestly, You don't need to know any at all before university.

The first 4 weeks of my degree were things like how to save a file and how to find it again to open it. They start off very very VERY slowly teaching you everything.

The trick is not to get bored in the first 6 weeks because things pick up somewhere around the 6th week. If you are skipping classes because everything is painfully too easy then you might get a nasty surprise around week 6.

It will help if you have a fairly good idea how to program something in any language, it doesn't really matter which one. I did software engineering as a degree, The first one we learned as part of the course was ADA (which is fairly unusual) but it's similar to other languages. So long as you understand the basic concepts of programming it wont take you long to pick up any language (its just a matter of finding the right syntax and learning and quirks of that language).

One thing that is worth learning is databases.. that is a topic that EVERYONE hates doing as part of the software engineering degree. I'm sure you will be fine with whatever programming language they teach but the database part is the one people have difficulty with. (so it might be worth getting a rough idea about how to make simple databases in SQL)
2012-01-21 13:49:05 UTC
Someone above mentioned that the university will teach you what you need to know. Sorry to burst any bubbles but this is patently not the case (in so far as preparing for a career is concerned). You can expect university to teach you computer science in general and what you need to pass your course, but the transition to being a professional SE or programmer is huge. You'll need to do a lot of background work to get practical experience, I'd recommend working on a project that interests you in parallel with your course to develop some real software. Once you've written it, throw it away and start again putting into practice from the beginning everything you learnt as you went threw it the first time. C++ would be a good choice, especially as you've already started down that route. A mac is fine, but experience using widely adopted Windows tools such as Visual Studio might be more marketable later on.
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2012-01-18 23:20:51 UTC
Its great you have basic C++ most that is the great thing to own in life, but remember software engineering require good command of math, C#, Java, Oracle, MS-SQL Server, Unix/Linux, Microsoft's .NET, HTML/XML, Rational/ WebSphere, Software Testing and QA and more.

But the benefits are unlimited after completing school

Good luck

Martin. K

For: Web, Graphics and Print
2012-01-18 23:00:42 UTC
You don't need to know any programming languages before you go study computer science or software engineering since the university will teach you what you need to know anyway. Software engineering is more of a set of techniques that can be applied to any programming language instead of handful languages used for software engineering tasks.

EDIT: Honestly, I hate using Windows for software development as well...I use FreeBSD and a few flavors of Linux (Arch and Debian being my two favorite) for nearly all of my software development tasks. Macs aren't necessarily terrible as a developer, but they're certainly overpriced and, for me personally, too restrictive on what you can do with them as a UNIX machine...and since you can accomplish the same thing on Linux or BSD systems as you can on OS X, there's really no reason to develop on OS X in my mind.
2012-01-19 00:15:04 UTC
use whatever programming language you need to use to solve the problem at hand. you may find that there are several which you use quite frequently as favorites.

Mine are: NSIS installer, SQL, PHP, C++, Perl, Java, Assembler, JavaScript, Auto-it, Tcl, BASIC, flex, & bison (or lex and yacc, they are for writing compilers). I used to use some others, but I left them off the list. I don't focus on Java anymore. it always requires that virtual machine, and not everybody is smart enough to install it, and the Oracle license conflicts with the GPL license I use, so I can't distribute it with my programs in my installer that I write.

- Delphi is a popular language for apps. but it's expensive. it's a pascal.

- Lisp is used in some places for circuit design and also in Autocad.

- you may choose INNOSETUP for your installer, it's much simpler, most everyone does.

just google the word tutorial and the language you are looking for.

- avoid cute programming tricks. try to make code that is readable/understandable by you and someone else.

- learn how to spell and use grammar. critical skill in

- learn what you can about communicating with people. you will need it on the job regularly.

- learn to think in logical steps. be able to do walkthroughs of someone's code in a group.

- learn SQL if you can eventually and how to work with databases. DBAs are usually in some sort of demand somewhere. so are people that can develop client/server apps. there are college classes for this.

- learn what tools you have. this may require digging into the compiler's header (.h) files to see what's there. once you know what tools you have, be inventive with the tools you've got. learn how to use the libraries that are there.

- learn how to create cross-platform code someday. this is usually done through #ifdef statements. cross-platform coding is desirable by large companies who have multiple types of systems, including legacy (old) systems.

- learn to read licenses and EULAs and know when there is a conflict and how to resolve it if there is a way. usually this is best left to legal departments. But if you are a freelancer and you don't have a legal department, get a lawyer to draw up a license for you so tyou can make money. then find a compiler which has a license agreement whose distribution and usage rights don't conflict with how you intend to distribute your code. I find that the microsoft compiler limits me too much.

- Always do your best. strive for Excellence.

Learn how to use the Win32 API or MacOS's API or POSIX to make utilities.

Today, games are very popular. there are game engines for making games, which are typically shoot-em-up's. I don't care for games, I like writing utilities myself. There are women gamers out there, maybe you can make a Women's game engine. Be inventive. What strikes your fancy? there are other things you can write. one company made a whole money-making niche market out of scrapbooking software, associated consulting, and related goods. the software could have been written better though. If your thing is Science, that's a whole industry in itself. Scientific applications abound in just about every sphere. maybe there's a niche nobody has touched. and there is the CUDA-based GPU supercomputing cards called the NVidia Tesla to work with.

If you do Embedded Systems Engineering (uses Software Engineering), you can make devices that have processors in them that do things. If you want to tinker with Embedded Systems, Radio Shack has the Arduino and BASIC STAMP kits. I think the arduino is programmable with a C cross-compiler like gcc.

you learn more if you teach yourself. Books help: O'Reilly usually makes the best books.

you have a good start. learn BASIC as well. VB especially and sometimes C# are used for database applications in corporate settings in addition to Microsoft Visual FoxPro.

college could be a very good idea if you are looking to land a job. I don't remember whether they are looking for Master's or Bachelor's now. If you can find a job and work while you go through college, this would be good too. College loans are not fun.

you can write apps for mac or PC or linux, your choice, but there are more jobs using a PC by far. PC also has better access to different compilers and platforms (except the mac platform). you can install windows on a mac, but it's touch and byebye windows.
2012-01-18 22:59:20 UTC
VB.NET and Java are good to know as well. VB.NET is very basic and fairly easy to learn, and java is close to C++
2012-01-18 23:20:44 UTC
go to google search c++ click on first link cplusplus download pdf
2012-01-18 23:07:03 UTC
become awesome in C++ or C you might also want to learn some Perl.
2012-01-18 23:21:33 UTC
PHP is good to know as well.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.