You do not have to use everything that you learn in PHP on a website, only use what you need.
I use PHP quite a bit in designing my sites... During the layout process I divide the site in to different sections to do a basic layout/template consisting of one or more of the following: a header, a top menu, a left menu, the main body area, and a footer. Then when I have each section done, I create my template something like this:
require_once('dbconnect.php'); // database connection
Now that is a very simplified template example. So if I want to make changes to any part of the site, and keep from editing many pages, I just change the appropriate section. Now I do use PHP for many other things like e-mail forms and using database info, but the above example showing one way for using PHP. On some of my e-commerce sites I use one form to display individual product with it info by passing/requesting the information, saving me literally thousand of individual pages to display each listing.
If you do not have a use for arrays at this point in time, do not worry about it, if and when the time comes that you need to use one, you will be ready. I have used arrays before, but no good example comes to mind at this time.
Best wishes