1) Change "public class Temperature()" to "public class Temperature " (methods are declared with ()s but classes are not)
2) remove the stray ( from "i<(a.length"
3) You need to end your Sort() method before you begin main() -- you left out Sort's terminating brace }
4) "Int[] temps = new int[10];" should be either both Int or both int, depending on whether you want to use an integer Object or a primitive integer.
5) You appear to be mixing up the object-oriented way of doing things and the static way of doing things. Since your methods are static, any data your program needs should be declared in main() and passed in to any method that uses them. If you have a variable that is declared inside of a method, that variable only exists each time that method is running, and goes out of scope and "disappears" afterward.
6) It might be easier to have two arrays declared in your main method; one to hold the unsorted temperatures that are input by the user, and one to hold those temperatures in a sorted order. If you use this strategy, then you would need to pass both arrays in to Sort(). Your for-loop seems to swap the first and last elements, then the second and second-to-last, and so on until the "middle" element or elements are swapped, and then continues on and swaps the respective pairs back again. There are java methods to sort or you could look up a bubblesort and code that.
7) By convention in Java, generally classes are named beginning with a capital letter ("Temperature"), and methods (both static and class methods) are named with lower-case letters ("sort()")
8) "temps[i] = scan.nextint();" should be "temps[i] = in.nextint();" because it is using the Object created in "Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);" (this declaration is syntactically similar to saying "Double x = new Double( 2.0 );" Just as "x" is the variable here, "in" is the variable there)
EDIT: It might be easier to input the temperatures into a single array, print out the array, and then call a sort routine to sort it, and output that (rather than messing with two arrays)