I use a whole lot of languages. Some of em easier than others I suppose. Here are some I like working with:
- C# (c-sharp): this is definitely my favorite. Have been using it since early 2001 and continue to do so today. It's easy, clean and efficient for rapid development.
- C: The plain old vanilla C language is very easy to work with. Contrary to horror that is c++, I can actually get stuff done in this :p
Next to C# for the serious stuff, I use a lot of scripting languages for various smaller tasks that do not need to be done in large scale compiled programs.
My favorites here are:
- Bash: This is the standard Unix shell script variant. I keep being surprised just how powerful this little gem can be for things like simple system maintenance, log parsing, right up to using it to generate other code.
- Postscript: Recently I started taking an interest in printing (physically printing stuff on paper etc). Instead of designing layouts in programs like Adobe PageMaker, I opted to do it all manually in postscript. it gives a nice amount of control and it is a pretty fun language to use.
- Ruby: Ruby is more of a playground for me. it's a very nice language, but it's just too slow for anything serious.
- php: Apart from using it for websites, I also made a nice little commandline application framework for php si I can quickly write simple shell programs to be run through the php-cli.
There are other languages I use, but the above come up most often these days. I am always looking for new languages to learn and play with, so this may change again soon.