Well, not to confuseing, What is happening is you are write instruction, or commands, in a language that the computer can interpret, and use to do a task or various tasks,..the application, I can't say much for C ,but it is all the same principle, on can do a certain amount of prgramming with simple badtch files, ...so for example, useing qbasic,
you write:
PRINT "hello world"
then, you run it, and it wil display the text "hello world" on the screen, if you make a executable, you then have a excutable file, it could have any name, but lets say you name it helloworld, you would then have a file, in a folder called helloworld.exe , so if you click it , it runs, displays the text.
or at the comand prompt when you type hellowworld, and hit enter,...
Ok so thats nothing, just printing hello world, but that s where most start, ..then you start learning more commands, and lines,...so as to be able to build a chain of events, and results, which are your program,...so you could write a pro.gram that, starts playing some music, asks for your name, and to login, maybe even a password,..then perhaps a menu, a game, a editor, math problems, pretty much what ever you can imagen. It is pretty neat, ...and unlimited as to what you can do once you learn enough,...don't worry, everyone started out at level 0, at one time....
good luck and enjoy yourself.
Note, my sources are not intended to promote anything, When I started a year ago, or less, I also was at level zero,...and still have a long ways to go, these sources, sre just to demonstrate the stages I am going thru as I learn, the same would apply,if you study C, C+, python,java or any of the many languages in porgramming, it is a very fascinating,exciteing world, and creative,career, or hobbie (in my case hobbie)