Which languages do you already know?
If you have some notion of Basic, then Fortran should be easy, as Basic was derived from it.
If not, then it may be a bit more difficult (not knowing the first thing about programming is somewhat concerning. What would come about requiring you to know a programming language from zero in 2 months flat?)
Fortran is actually not that hard to learn, it is a fairly simple language. Mastering Fortran, however, is the real difficult thing. I have known people with 10+ years of Fortran "programming" and who still had not mastered it. The difficulty lies on the perspective. More recent languages were designed to be relatively easy to understand from the human side, with the issue of figuring out how to convert high level code to machine language left to the compiler. Fortran, on the other hand, was created for the purpose of avoiding having to program directly in assembly/machine language, so it was assumed that the human programmer would go a little further towards the machine. The result is that, if you understand how the machine stores and access its information, a well written Fortran program will outpace anything else, with the exception of optimally written assembly.
But again, that is part of the "mastering Fortran". Which should not be expected before several months or even years of intensive coding.
If you Google "fortran tutorial" will get a lots of hits. You did not specify which release of Fortran you are after (77? 90? 95? 2003). Since later releases are superset of Fortran 77, perhaps the simpler F77 should be your first stop? See link.
Get yourself Force 2 ( http://www.lepsch.com/ and follow the download link) an IDE with Fortran 77 compiler, and take it from there.