you could get really, really far in 6 months by doing this series of free courses from Rice University offered through coursera
the series / specialization is Fundamentals of Computing
the series consists of 6 free courses taught using Python
they take you from the very beginning of programming to more advanced programming concepts; things like : algorithms, data structures, best searching and sorting methods, math, probability and other advanced concepts
and everything is taught by making games
you will make this game during the first 2 courses
here are the courses in the series
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1) (starts Feb 13)
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2)
Principles of Computing (Part 1)
Principles of Computing (Part 2)
Algorithmic Thinking (Part 1)
Algorithmic Thinking (Part 2)
you will be learning the things Computer Science majors learn in their first 2 courses at University
and again, all the courses are free
(you can pay $49 per course, but that's only if you want a Verified Certificate - meaning you have a webcam and verify you are the one doing the work -- but if you don't want a verified certificate the courses are free)
and then you could work through this free book and get some really advanced computer science / programming knowledge (some of it will already have been covered in the courses you just finished)
or once you complete the first series of courses there are tons more free computer courses through coursera and edx