The term computer programmer can refer to a specialist in one area of computer programming or to a generalist who writes code for many kinds of software.One who practices or professes a formal approach to programming may also be known as a programmer analyst, software engineer, computer scientist, or software analyst.
Well i am a Java Programmer and i have followed following chronlogical sequence
Step 1:
C /Basic this will really help you develop logic and implementing it in real program(code).
You may come to know about various commonly used patterns and Algorithm,while implementing it with C
Step 2:
OOP C++ and Java was next step
As oop languages provide more modularity, flexibility,better implementation of real life problems.
You gonna get to know much of syntax which will be needed in further Development ulterior.
Step 3
Now comes the Choice of Open source/Close Source
Close Source projects are those who are largely governed by
Microsoft tech. and others.
Open Source projects is much easier to follow,since you can have better Resources and helps. Like Sun/Apache...
Advisably ,Web Application Developement ,as it is Hot at the moment.
So,You 've got a Choice between
Java/J2EE and Visual Studio.Net
That is up to you which one you gonna prefer..
Yet, having good concept in C and C++ can lead you to be very successful at System Programming.
Visual Basic has limited requirements now days.As matter of fact VB.Net have replaced it.Yet,having knowledge in Vb will help you to deal with most of IDE available today.
There's another option
It's recommended if you want to be self employed.
Synchronal need to know DataBases as every bussiness application has to deal with them.
Oracle/Mysql/DB2/Msql others can be concurrent streams case if you want to go with Databases.They are always been in demand.
ERP- like SAP/Oracle/CRM are other fields they do need
programmers too..
In my case i have chosen open source,i prefered to go with JAVA/J2EE as i have better knowledge resources ,deployment is easier and not to forget the only drawback that is long learning curve.Yet,its very progressive and i am proud to work on worlds best financial and banking product *Flexcube*
Hope this will help